CI Studies Bibliography – Logistics

By tags: Affordance theory | Animals | Architecture | Art and aesthetics | Borders and migration | Business & industry | City and urban studies | Cloud | Cyberinfrastructure for research | Data infrastructures | Development | Digital humanities | Disability & accessibility | Disaster | EconomicsEnergy | Environment | Ethnographical approaches | Feminist | Fiction | Higher educationInformation & IT | Institutional | Internet (& ICT) | Labor & work | Landscape | Large technical systems | Library, museum, and archive | LogisticsMaterials | Media infrastructures | MilitaryMinimal computing | Mining, oil, & extractionMission critical | Object & thing studiesOrganizationalPhotography | Platform studies | Poetry | PolicyPostcolonial & colonial | Race and ethnicity | Repair & care | Scientific research infrastructure | Security | Small technical systemsSocial justice | STS (science technology studies) | TelecommunicationsTransportationWaste, garbage, sewage | Water
ToC rev. 29 May 2022

Hockenberry, Matthew Curtis, Nicole Starosielski, and Susan Marjorie Zieger, eds. Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media. Durham: Duke University Press, 2021. Cite
Posner, Miriam. “Breakpoints and Black Boxes: Information in Global Supply Chains.” Postmodern Culture 31, no. 3 (2021). Cite
Sourcemap. “Home Page,” 2021. Cite
Banoub, Daniel, and Sarah J. Martin. “Storing Value: The Infrastructural Ecologies of Commodity Storage:” Society and Space 38, no. 6 (2020): 1101–19. Cite
Posner, Miriam. “The Software That Shapes Workers’ Lives.” New Yorker, March 12, 2019. Cite
Tay, Kenneth. The Sea Is All Highway: Singapore & the Logistical Media of the Global Surface : An Essay. Singapore: Temporary Press, 2019. Cite
Tay, Kenneth, and Gideon Kong. Flat Spaces: On Singapore & the Violence of Global Logistics : An Edited Lecture and Conversation. Singapore: Temporary Press, 2019. Cite
Rothenberg, Janell. “‘World-World’ Logistics in Tangier, Morocco.” Limn, no. 10 (April 2018). Cite
Posner, Miriam. “See No Evil.” Logic Magazine, 2018. Cite
Carse, Ashley, Jason Cons, and Townsend Middleton. Chokepoints (Special Issue of Limn Journal). Vol. April 2018, 2018. Cite
Klatskin, Alex. “Trade as Form.” Scenario Journal, no. 6 (2017). Cite
Rossiter, Ned. Software, Infrastructure, Labor: A Media Theory of Logistical Nightmares. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2016. Cite
Bélanger, Pierre, and Alexander S. Arroyo. Ecologies of Power: Countermapping the Logistical Landscapes & Military Geographies of the U.S. Department of Defense. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2016. Cite
Nassar, N. T., Xiaoyue Du, and T. E. Graedel. “Criticality of the Rare Earth Elements.” Journal of Industrial Ecology 19, no. 6 (2015): 1044–54. Cite
Davis, Brian, Rob Holmes, and Brett Milligan. “Isthmus.” Places Journal, 2015. Cite
Rossiter, Ned. “Coded Vanilla: Logistical Media and the Determination of Action.” South Atlantic Quarterly 114, no. 1 (2015): 135–52. Cite
Golev, Artem, Margaretha Scott, Peter D. Erskine, Saleem H. Ali, and Grant R. Ballantyne. “Rare Earths Supply Chains: Current Status, Constraints and Opportunities.” Resources Policy 41 (2014): 52–59. Cite
Rossiter, Ned. “Materialities of Software: Logistics, Labour, Infrastructure.” Blog. Organized Networks (blog), 2014. Cite
Rossiter, Ned. “Locative Media as Logistical Media: Situating Infrastructure and the Governance of Labor in Supply-Chain Capitalism.” Blog. Organized Networks (blog), 2014. Cite
Rossiter, Ned. “Logistical Worlds.” Cultural Studies Review 20, no. 1 (2014): 53. Cite
Pathan, Alina, Alain Schilli, Jens Johansson, Iivo Vehviläinen, Anna Larsson, and Jürg Hutter. Tracking Environmental Impacts in Global Product Chains. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers, 2013. Cite
Rossiter, Ned. “Privacy Is Theft: On Anonymous Experiences, Infrastructural Politics and Accidental Encounters.” Blog. Organized Networks (blog), 2013. Cite
Harney, Stefano, and Fred Moten. “Fantasy in the Hold.” In The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study, 84–99. Wivenhoe: Minor Compositions, 2013. Cite
Martin, Craig. “Shipping Container Mobilities, Seamless Compatibility, and the Global Surface of Logistical Integration.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 45, no. 5 (2013): 1021–36. Cite
LeCavalier, Jesse. “All Those Numbers: Logistics, Territory and Walmart.” Places Journal, 2010. Cite
Manifest. “Home Page,” n. d. Cite
Aguirre, Laida. “Boxed In: The Aesthetics of Material Circulation.” E-Flux. Accessed September 7, 2019. Cite
Beverungen, Armin, and Florian Sprenger. “Computing the City.” Fibeculture Journal, no. 29 (n.d.). Cite
