By tags: Affordance theory | Animals | Architecture | Art and aesthetics | Borders and migration | Business & industry | City and urban studies | Cloud | Cyberinfrastructure for research | Data infrastructures | Development | Digital humanities | Disability & accessibility | Disaster | Economics | Energy | Environment | Ethnographical approaches | Feminist | Fiction | Higher education | Information & IT | Institutional | Internet (& ICT) | Labor & work | Landscape | Large technical systems | Library, museum, and archive | Logistics | Materials | Media infrastructures | Military | Minimal computing | Mining, oil, & extraction | Mission critical | Object & thing studies | Organizational | Photography | Platform studies | Poetry | Policy | Postcolonial & colonial | Race and ethnicity | Repair & care | Scientific research infrastructure | Security | Small technical systems | Social justice | STS (science technology studies) | Telecommunications | Transportation | Waste, garbage, sewage | Water
This section of the bibliography includes works related primarily to the internet. However, it also includes works related to information communication technologies (ICT) broadly conceived, including organizational communication technologies, intranets, etc. (There is some overlap with works tagged “Information & IT”.)