
rev. 15 March 2023

November 18, 2021

Interrogating Global Traces of Infrastructure November 18, 2021

(Registration is open now on EventBrite. Get a ticket.)
Geosyncronos satellite orbit (animated gif) by Talifero on Wikimedia Commons Ship photo by Cameron Venti on Unsplash

October 30, 2018

Radical Transparency Infrastructure Design Workshop. Seminar led by Clare Birchall at King’s Digital Lab, King’s College London. (Event documentation and resources)

Glass roof

June 22, 2018

Romanticism and Critical Infrastructure Studies. Seminar co-led by Jacques Khalip and Alan Liu at NASSR 2018 (conference of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism), Brown University. (Event documentation and resources)

Midtown Cottage, Brampton, Westmorland. From Brunskill, "Small House," as reproduced in Alan Liu, Wordsworth: The Sense of History
Midtown Cottage, Brampton, Westmorland. From R. W. Brunskill, “The Development of the Small House in the Eden Valley from 1650 to 1840”

Kurt Schwitters, Merzbarn Wall (1947-48) at the Hatton Gallery (Photograph: Nick May).
Kurt Schwitters, Merzbarn Wall (1947-48) at the Hatton Gallery (Photograph: Nick May).

March 29, 2018

Critical infrastructure Workshop. Hosted by King’s Digital Lab, King’s College London. (Event documentation and participants) (notes and resources from the event)

Critical Infrastructure Studies workshop, hosted by King's Digital Humanities Lab, March 29, 2018. Photo by Jonathan Gray.

January 6, 2018

Critical Infrastructure Studies Panel. Modern Language Association convention, New York City. Arranged by the MLA’s TC Digital Humanities forum. (Event documentation and participants)

Zakim Bridge

July 8, 2016

Interrogating Infrastructure: A Symposium. Hosted by King’s Digital Lab and the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London. (Event documentation and participants)

Interrogating Infrastructure Studies Symposium, King's College, July 8, 2016 Interrogating Infrastructure Studies Symposium, King's College, July 8, 2016

November 12, 2015

The Frontiers of DH: Humanities Systems Infrastructure. Hosted by the Digital Humanities Programme, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ. (Event documentation and participants) (videos: Paul Arthur, Alan Liu, James Smithies)

Humanities Systems Infrastructure workshop, U. Canterburgy, Nov. 12, 2015
